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Technical Support

Annual Service Contract

EDA Solutions' aim is to provide our customers with the best possible support services! We have put together an overall support solution aimed at giving the quality of service users like. Our Annual Service Contract is our most effective solution for helping you when you need support services the most. By signing up today you can expect to receive the support services you need.

The Annual Service Contract is a 12-month technical support agreement providing the following benefits:

  • Hotline support provides unlimited technical phone support available every workday during office hours for the period of the contract.
  • Email support during service hours.
  • Online support where a technician can connect to you and assist you directly.
  • Unlimited configuration and setup file edits for your machines..
  • All software upgrades and updates released within the 12 month subscription period with new features and enhancements. Updates are provided via. web download.
  • One-to-one Online training sessions where appropriate.
  • Optional on-site mentoring may be used for a wide variety of on-site assistance.
    Examples include:
    • Short term help with installation,
    • Customisation or product migration,
    • Intensive, targeted training; follow-up instruction after a training course; or on-the-job coaching.

Minimum Systems Requirements

For current MS Windows, Client PC, Server and Ethernet Port requirements, click here...