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Predator Software | Automating your Manufacturing Shop Floor

Improve the productivity and quality of your staff, machines, CNCs and processes:

  • Control & automate your shop floor
  • Network your CNCs, PLCs & Robots
  • Edit/revise your CNC programs
  • Verify your CNC machines
  • Monitor your machines with real-time data collection
  • Control your documents & CNC programs
  • Organise your tools, gauges and fixtures
  • Manage your work instructions

Predator | Product Information

  • Predator SFC Bundle - All 7 applications in 1 bundle, fully integrated, open APIs & database
    • Predator DNC - Network CNCs, wired & wireless, ethernet, RS232 & parallel
    • Predator MDC - Automatic data collection, machine monitoring, dashboards, charts & reports
    • Predator PDM - Mfg document management, paperless manufacturing, revision control
    • Predator CNC Editor - Edit & compare, basic DNC, backplotting & 3D verify
    • Predator Virtual CNC - 3D machine simulation, 2- to 5-axis mills & lathes, actual CNC code
    • Predator Tracker - Tool & gauge manager, bar codes, check in & check out
    • Predator Travellers - Work instructions, revision control, first article signoffs
  • Predator Flex/N Hardware - Upgradable 1 to 256 port RS232 PC solution

Cost/time Savings and Productivity Improvement

Evaluate for yourself the achievable cost/time savings and productivity improvement potential available to you with Predator DNC software. Use the Savings Calculator and find out how much time and money Predator DNC can save YOU, click here...



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