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Predator Virtual CNC ● Verify your CNC Machines

Predator Virtual CNC is software designed to simulate and verify operation of your CNC machines on your PC. By simulating the machining process off line you literally save thousands of pounds in lost time, scrapped parts, broken tools and machine crashes while improving overall machine productivity.

Running a profitable manufacturing shop floor is challenging Keeping it productive is tough work and those that succeed embrace technology. Over 1,000 manufacturers and job shops rely on Predator Virtual CNC to keep their CNC machines running reliably while minimising errors.

  • Prove out processes offline
  • Simplify CNC Setup
  • Minimise Waste
  • Organise release to shop floor process
  • Reduces tooling costs
  • Saves coolant and raw materials
  • Reduces wear and tear
  • Verify surface finish
  • Verify feature dimensions
  • Confirm tool motion and clearances
  • Get started quickly and easily

Each Predator Virtual CNC license comes with a Predator CNC Editor license. The Predator Editor is the perfect NC code editing tool. Includes Intelligent NC Code Editing, Side-by-side File Compare, 3D Graphical Backplotting, CNC Templates™ and more.


Solids based verification and simulation with micro machining support (supports millionths) and user configurable reverse post processors.

CNC Mills, Lathes, Lasers, Waterjets & Routers

Predator Virtual CNC™ supports all standard vertical, horizontal and complex machine configurations with 2- to 5-axis. User definable machine tool configurations with our flexible reverse post processors allows standard VMCs and HMCs to be supported. Standard milling, turning and drilling cycles are all supported. Advanced cycles include subs, macros, variables, trig and logic codes are all supported.

3-Axis Mold and Die Machining

Predator Virtual CNC's Turbo Milling technology is optimised for 3-axis surface machining. Processing speeds can be up to 20,000 blocks per second, while retaining the accuracy that you would expect.

Lathes and Mill/Turn Machines

Predator Virtual CNC™ supports 2- to 5-axis turning and complex Mill/Turn machines with live C and Y axis motion. User definable machine tool configurations combined with our comprehensive library of reverse post processors allows standard HTLs and VTLs to be supported. Standard lathe facing, turning, threading, grooving, roughing and drilling cycles are all supported.

G & M Codes and APTCL Support via Configurable Reverse Post

Predator Virtual CNC includes 150+ reverse posts to get you started. A 230+ page reverse post manual documents all of the options available to support a wide range of CNC machines. Specific reverse posts to each of your machines can also be purchased.

Error and Collision Detection

  • Gouge detection
  • CNC program syntax errors
  • Coolant checking
  • Spindle checking
  • Rapid collisions
  • Tool collisions
  • Tool shank collisions
  • Tool holder collisions
  • Fixture collisions
  • Rotary table collisions
  • Rotary head collisions
  • Spindle collisions
  • Machine collisions

Part Inspection Prior to Actual Machining

Predator Virtual CNC™ provides animated simulation of the machining process. Seeing how the tool behaves under program control provides great reassurance that there are no gross errors in the program and makes the cause of smaller errors easier to diagnose. Rapid zoom, rotate, pan and cross-sectioning of solid model views allows errors to be seen, even if they are hidden from the original view or are inside the part.

Predator Virtual CNC™ includes feature based inspection and inspection capability. Feature based inspection measures part features, dimensions and the relationship between separate features. Predator Virtual CNC™ recognises edges, arcs, cylinders, planes, surfaces and cones. To select a feature, all you need to do is click on the feature using the mouse.

CAD Compare for "Designed vs. Machined"

Predator Virtual CNC includes an option to compare the machined part back to the designed part within any tolerance. Users can define a tolerance above and below which excess material in green and gouges are shown in red. The tolerance can be adjusted at any time without reprocessing the job. Using Predator's CAD Compare™ capability in conjunction with Part inspection allows deviations from the design model to be measured at any point on the part surface.

Complex Tooling, Stock and Fixtures

Predator Virtual CNC includes support for 10 standard milling tool types and 10 standard turning tool types. Custom tool shapes, custom tool shanks and custom holders are all supported. An unlimited number of tool libraries provides tool kits per machine, per customer, etc. Predator Virtual CNC supports 10 standard stock and fixture shapes. Complex stock and fixtures can be importing via STL files. Full collision detection is supported for chucks, jaws, face plates, tail stocks, tombstones, pallets, clamps, vices, etc.

Predator API and ActiveX SDK

Predator Virtual CNC includes an open development and comprehensive API (application programming interface) with 300+ methods all fully documented. Even easier is an ActiveX control that you can drop into your existing project. Several source code examples are available and you have the flexibility of using C++, VB, VB script, Delphi and other compatible programming languages.