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Predator SFC ● Shop Floor Control Software Suite

Predator SFC includes all seven Predator software applications to provide an integrated paperless shop floor control system. Buy the Predator SFC Suite and save 50% vs. purchasing each application separately.
  • Integrated shop floor solutions from one vendor
  • Easy to use with common user interfaces
  • Open Predator SFC APIs
  • Choice of Microsoft Access, SQL Server or Oracle database

Included with Predator SFC

Integrated or stand alone solutions

Open API and Database Architecture

Integrate your ERP and MES system with Predator SFC's open APIs (application programming interface) with 300+ methods all fully documented. Develop ERP and shop floor validation, flow part and job numbers from ERP directly into Predator and numerous other automation projects can be completed with C#, C++, VB.Net, VB6, VB script, Windows Script, Delphi and other compatible programming languages.

Predator SFC is based on an open architecture client/server database standard. Select from Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle.