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Predator PDM ● CNC Program & Data Management

Predator PDM is a manufacturing driven Product Data Management designed to organise and control CNC programs, setup sheets, safety procedures, quality documents, and others with complete revision control. Predator PDM supports paperless shop floor operation with integration with DNC, CNC Editor, Virtual CNC, MDC and Tracker.


Best Practice Workflow

Predator PDM includes best practice workflow wizards for release, unrelease, revise, rollback, checkin and checkout. Every wizard honours user and group permissions and includes ISO 9000 style history.

Open API and Database Architecture

Integrate your ERP and MES system with Predator PDM's open APIs (application programming interface) with 300+ methods all fully documented. Develop ERP and shop floor validation, flow part and job numbers from ERP directly into Predator and numerous other automation projects can be completed with C#, C++, VB.Net, VB6, VB script, Windows Script, Delphi and other compatible programming languages.

Predator PDM is based on an open architecture client/server database standard. Select from Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, or Oracle.

Integrates with Predator DNC

Machinists using Predator PDM can download released CNC programs to their CNC machines using Predator DNC with a single click.

Integrates with Predator Virtual CNC

CNC programmers using Predator PDM can verify CNC programs with full 3D machine simulation using Predator Virtual CNC with a single click.

Integrates with Predator CNC Editor

CNC programmers using Predator PDM can revise, compare and backplot their CNC programs with the Predator CNC Editor with a single click.

Integrates with Predator MDC

Machinists using Predator PDM can initiate manual data collection events such as job start, part start, operation start, setup start, etc. with Predator MDC with a single click.

Integrates with Predator Tracker

Machinists using Predator PDM can view tools, cutters, inserts and gages with Predator Tracker with a single click.