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Predator DNC ● Network Your CNC Machines

Predator DNC is software designed to network all of your CNCs, robots and PLC based machines. Predator DNC manages your CNC programs, offsets and parameters. It supports a wide range of CNC communications for dripfeeding, downloading and uploading via parallel, RS-232, RS-422 Ethernet and wireless Ethernet.

Available in 3 Editions

  • Predator DNC Enterprise is designed for CNC programmers, machinists, manufacturing engineers, shop floor personnel and users that need to work with CNC programs within large organisations or those that require security or integration with Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Predator DNC is designed for CNC programmers, machinists, manufacturing engineers, shop floor personnel and users that need to work with CNC programs.
  • Predator DNC Express is a limited edition

Every Predator DNC license includes a Predator CNC Editor license for intelligent CNC editing, side-by-side file compare and 3D animation and backplotting.

Cost/time Savings and Productivity Improvement

Evaluate for yourself the achievable cost/time savings and productivity improvement potential available to you with Predator DNC software. Use the Savings Calculator and find out how much time and money Predator DNC can save YOU, click here...


DNC up to 4096 CNCs per PC

Predator DNC supports up to 4096 CNC machines per PC for simultaneous drip-feeding, downloading and uploading. Organise your CNCs by grouping them per building or cell. Network your Predator PCs to support an unlimited number of CNCs. (NOTE: Multiple CNCs per PC requires compatible hardware)

Improve Your Shop Floor Workflow

Stop using switch boxes, diskettes, paper tape, laptops or some proprietary hardware contraption to communicate with your CNCs. Predator DNC provides a true network solution insuring the latest CNC programs are pulled from your file server and when when changes or revisions occur the edits are stored back on your file server. The entire process will become more reliable and everyone will become more productive.

DNC Explorer™

Predator DNC keeps things simple with it’s Microsoft Office® and Windows® Explorer compatible user interface. DNC Explorer includes standard features for drag and drop, shortcut menus, cut, copy & paste, object based menus, toolbars, tool tips and online help. But it doesn't stop there, the entire interface allows you to completely customise exactly how you want users to interface with the software, how the CNCs are physically configured, and much more...

Remote Request™

Eliminate walking back and forth between your CNC and your PC with Remote Request. Remote Request allows the operators on the shop floor to dripfeed, download and upload CNC programs directly from their CNC controls. Predator DNC supports a number of remote features including Remote Autoname™ for simplified uploading of NC code remotely from the floor, Remote Messaging for visibility back to the DNC server PC when errors occur and an unlimited number of Remote Commands per CNC.

Predator DNC Connect™

Leverage existing shop floor PCs or Windows based CNCs with Predator DNC Connect to initiate downloading and uploading. Its big button interface is easy to use and supports touch screen PCs. (NOTE: Predator DNC Connect is licensed per site not per PC and it does not include the Predator CNC Editor.)

100% Network Compatible

Predator DNC works as a gateway between your CNCs and your Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac, VMS or Unix network server. Predator DNC extends the networking flexibility of Windows® to your CNCs, PLCs and robots. Support for wired and wireless Ethernet, hidden network shares, folder shortcuts and active directory are included.

Server Safe™

Predator DNC includes a Server Safe™ option for error free DNC transfers even if the network server should crash or fail during DNC communications. This is one of many reliability features that have been engineered into Predator DNC.

DNC in the Background

Stuck with an old DNC system that won't multi-task? Predator DNC can support up to 4096 CNC, PLCs and robots simultaneously. Background operation even includes an option for running Predator DNC as a Windows Service. Predator DNC's multi-threaded design leverages dual core and quad core CPUs to balance the number of CNCs, PLCs and robots.

DNC Objects™ - Industry Leading Flexibility

Over 100 DNC Objects are included with Predator DNC. These can be combined to automate a number of shop floor processes. Options include email, printing, VB scripts or tracking in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle. Often Predator DNC Objects are used to support CNC communication protocols for Bostomatic, Bridgeport Easylink, Fanuc Protocol A/Expand A, Fagor, Heidenhain, Kermit, Okuma B, Mazatrol, Xmodem and many others.